Monday, November 03, 2008

An Anniversary Love Letter

Dear Meetu,

Two years ago today I promised to be your lifelong companion. It has been an adventure, a beautiful journey and a very exciting ride.

From time to time you ask me "Why do you love me?" and I usually answer quickly and without a lot of thought. Loving you is so automatic now, so ingrained in who I am that I forget there was a time before you.

Why I love you comes to me in little reminders every day. The love that you have for the family, your unquenchable thirst for knowledge about our world and the events of the day, the playful pranks that you play on me and Of course the daily love , care and share.

Sometimes my love for your comes in the spectacular occasions where you always seem to shine.When you find a way out even in the worst traffic or when you make a very sincere effort to write a nice letter to me, or when you bungee jumped . You are Flamboyantly generous, inventive, ridiculously silly and always - larger than life pure fun.

I know that when we will have children, you will be a tireless and fantastic parent. It's a side of you I've already seen , I feel so grateful and lucky to be married to you.

Wherever our next adventures take us, I want you to know how deeply I love you, how happy I am just being with you and look forward to the lifetime of experiences we've yet to create.


"At times the days seemed so long, I thought I'd never make it through,
Then suddenly, out of a dream, I have met someone like you.
I had locked up all my feelings and I'd thrown away the key,
Until your heart spoke a thousand words I knew were meant to be."

Happy Anniversary
To you and me
For all the time we spent together and years to come
With every passing day i reassure myself your the one